Contributing Fixes

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The project is open for external contributions … and we welcome them!

Code of conduct

Google and the WebRTC team are committed to preserving and fostering a diverse, welcoming and open community. To make sure we preserve this, we have adopted a code of conduct.

Contributing your First Patch

You must do some preparation in order to upload your first CL:

  1. Check out and build the code

  2. Fill in the contributor agreement.

  3. If you’ve never submitted code before, you must add your (or your organization’s in the case the contributor agreement is signed by your organization) name and contact info to the AUTHORS file.

  4. Go to and login with your email account. This should be the same account as is returned by git config

  5. Follow the instructions on how to store the credentials in the .gitcookies file in your home directory.

  6. Go to and login with your email account.

  7. Then, run:

    git cl creds-check

    If you get any errors, ask for help on discuss-webrtc.

You will not have to repeat the above. After all that, you’re ready to upload:

Uploading your First Patch

Now that you have your account set up, you can do the actual upload:

  1. Do this:
    # Assuming you're on the master branch:
    git checkout -b my-work-branch
    # Make changes, build locally, run tests locally
    git commit -am "Changed x, and it is working"
    git cl upload

    This will open a text editor showing all local commit messages, allowing you to modify it before it becomes the CL description.

    Fill out the bug entry properly. Please specify the issue tracker prefix and the issue number, separated by a colon, e.g. webrtc:123 or chromium:12345. If you do not have an issue tracker prefix and an issue number just add None.

    Save and close the file to proceed with the upload to the WebRTC code review server.

    The command will print a link like if everything goes well.

  2. Click the CL link.

  3. If you’re not signed in, click the Sign In button in the top right and sign in with your email.

  4. Click Start Review and add a reviewer. See Getting your CL Reviewed for how to choose reviewers.

  5. Address any reviewer feedback:
    # Make changes, build locally, run tests locally
    git commit -am "Fixed X and Y"
    git cl upload
  6. Once the reviewer LGTMs (approves) the patch, ask them to put it into the commit queue.

NOTICE: On Windows, you’ll need to run the above in a Git bash shell in order for gclient to find the .gitcookies file.

Becoming a Committer

After 10-20 non-trivial patches you can apply for commit rights. If you are writing a lot of patches you can also apply for try job access before then. To apply, send an email to discuss-webrtc.

The source of truth is the Git repository at To be able to push commits to it, you need to perform the steps below (assuming you’re a committer).

If you already have a .netrc/.gitcookies file (most Chromium committers already do), you can skip steps 1 and 2.

  1. Ask to be added to the committers group to get push access.

  2. Make sure you have set the and Git config settings as specified at the depot tools setup page. If you’re also a Chromium committer, read the next section.

Sometimes it’s necessary to bypass the presubmit checks (like when fixing an error that has closed the tree). Then use the --bypass-hooks flag.


Your commit will be subject to a number of automated tests that is run on several platforms by our continuous integration system. Ask your developer contact for what tests to run. When your patch is committed, the developer will get back to you with the continuous build result.

Code Style

See the coding style guide in the WebRTC tree.

To format the code in a CL, you can use git cl format. To manually run the C++ lint checker, use

Contributor Agreement

To contribute code, you will need to fill in one of the following required contributor agreements

Also, please read our project’s license and patent grant.

Detailed Instructions

Referencing bugs

In your CL description you should always try to reference a bug using the Bug: field. After the equals sign you should add a prefix followed by the bug number in the issue tracker of your bug:

Getting your CL Reviewed

The upload command will output a URL that you can use to directly access your CL, add reviewers etc.

Add the reviewers that should review your change, including at least one of the directory owners for each directory you modify. See the OWNERS files in the source tree and read more about OWNERS files if needed.

A CL must be approved by a directory owner to be able to commit. To send out a mail with the CL to everybody included you need to press Start review.

During the commenting process you need to Reply to make the comments visible, so you can first comment all files and send it out once. Reviewers are not notified when you upload a patch; you must again mail them.

Please help us:

  • Remember to keep your change lists small and focused.

  • Never fix more than one bug in each CL.

  • New features will probably require dividing your work into multiple CLs.

Running Tryjobs

As a committer, you should run tryjobs before committing to ensure you don’t break the tree:

To run a try job on your CL, run:

git cl try

The results will be presented in the code review web UI. You can also click the “CQ Dry run” button. Both these alternatives will trigger the default trybots that are configured in infra/config/commit-queue.cfg. To run tryjobs on a smaller set of bots; use the -b (–bot) flag:

git cl try -b mac -b mac_rel -B luci.webrtc.try

You can see the available trybot names by clicking the “Choose try jobs” link in Gerrit (scroll down to tryserver.webrtc).

Note about which tests are run

Our bots in the waterfall runs special video and audio quality tests + webcam tests that are not run on Chromium trybots. This is useful to know since there may still be a breakage at those bots even if your CL passes the Chromium trybots.

Note about the “without patch” feature of Chromium trybots

Chromium trybots have a feature where they deapply the patch upon a compile or test failure. Doing this, it will restore the revision of src/third_party/webrtc to HEAD revision (i.e. not the DEPS-pinned revision). This makes it possible that a test still fails without the patch in case there’s currently an error for the HEAD revision of WebRTC when built inside Chromium.